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Parallax, June 2023

Dear rangefinder enthusiasts and classic photographers, Thank you for allowing us to share some news and random thoughts with you.   It’s been a long time. I’ll come clean and plead a combination of laziness and being caught up in a whirlwind of trivial responsibilities that increases with age and takes its toll on the retail end. Good news is our Camtec team is perfectly intact and tight Nothing makes me happier than working with Emmanuel, Francis and Julien as well as the entire troupe at our McGill location and photo lab.   A Fond Farewell to an Old Master...…

Parallax October 2022

Dear rangefinder enthusiasts and classic photographers, Thank you for allowing us to share some news and random thoughts with you.   Renovations to Our Online Home Visitors to the website might have noticed a brighter, more cohesive look and greater ease of navigation. It’s been a longtime coming, but there’s still work to do. While welcoming you to our new, digital showroom, we ask for your patience while we iron out the gremlins. Most of the inventory is already in its proper place. With a more understandable layout, you will find that it’s nearly effortless to locate what you want....…

Parallax, November 2021

Dear rangefinder enthusiasts and classic photographers,  Thank you for allowing us to share some news and random thoughts with you.   THE EYE AND THE CAMERA   Simply stated, the pursuit of photography requires 2 essential elements: eyes to see and a camera to capture what we see. From 1826, when Nicéphore Niépce made the world’s first photograph through to present-day digital imagery, a photograph is exposed by opening a shutter so that a fixed amount of light is recorded on a light-sensitive surface. A good photograph is a cohesive, believable representation of what we saw.   With the arrival...…

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